Kidô butôden G Gundam 1994

Animation Action Fantasy Sci-Fi

It is the year Future Century 60 and most of humanity has migrated to orbiting space colonies, leaving behind the polluted Earth. To prevent war, the colonies came up with the tournament ...

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Kidô butôden G Gundam Kidô butôden G Gundam
  • CA: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam
  • JP: Kido Butoden G Gundam Kido Butoden G Gundam
  • JP: Mobile Fighting Legend G Gundam Mobile Fighting Legend G Gundam
  • JP: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam
  • US: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam
  • JP: Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam
  • : Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Data di rilascio 05 Aug 2002
Link IMDb
